Download FMOD Engine

Copy necessary files

Setup project properties

Code examples

Play simple sound

// Declaration
FMOD.System    *fModSystem;
FMOD.Sound     *fModSound;
FMOD.Channel   *fModChannel;

FMOD_RESULT    fModResult;
void           *extraDriverData = 0;

// Init stuff
bool Init()
	fModResult = FMOD.System_Create(&fModSystem);
	fModResult = fModSystem.init(100, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, extraDriverData);
	// Load some sound
	const char8 *result = "sound.wav"; 
	fModResult = fModSystem.createSound(result, FMOD_DEFAULT, 0, &fModSound);
	return true;

// Update process
bool Update()
	//Press Space to play sound
		fModResult = fModSystem.playSound(fModSound, 0, false, &fModChannel);
	fModResult = fModSystem.update();

	return true;

Play 3D sound

// Declaration is the same as "Play simple sound" but add some new variables
flt stepSide      = 0;
flt stepUp        = 0;
flt stepForward   = 0;
bool soundPlayed  = false;

// Init stuff
bool Init()
	fModResult = FMOD.System_Create(&fModSystem);
	fModResult = fModSystem.init(100, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, extraDriverData);
	// Load some sound
	const char8 *result = "sound.wav"; 
	fModResult = fModSystem.createSound(result, FMOD_3D, 0, &fModSound);
	fModResult = fModSound.set3DMinMaxDistance(0.5, 5000);
	fModResult = fModSound.setMode(FMOD_LOOP_NORMAL);

	return true;

// Update process
bool Update()
	//Press Space to play sound
		// Play looping sound once
		fModResult = fModSystem.playSound(fModSound, 0, false, &fModChannel);
		soundPlayed = true;
		// Reposition sound
		stepSide    += Kb.b(KB_D) ? Time.d() : 0;
		stepSide    -= Kb.b(KB_A) ? Time.d() : 0;
		stepUp      += Kb.b(KB_E) ? Time.d() : 0;
		stepUp      -= Kb.b(KB_Q) ? Time.d() : 0;
		stepForward += Kb.b(KB_W) ? Time.d() : 0;
		stepForward -= Kb.b(KB_S) ? Time.d() : 0;
		FMOD_VECTOR pos = {stepSide, stepUp, stepForward};
		FMOD_VECTOR vel = {0, 0, 0};
		fModResult = fModChannel.set3DAttributes(&pos, &vel);
	// Update listener
	FMOD_VECTOR fModListenerPos      = {0, 0, 0};
	FMOD_VECTOR fModListenerForward  = {0, 0, 1};
	FMOD_VECTOR fModListenerUp       = {0, 1, 0};
	FMOD_VECTOR fModListenerVel      = {0, 1, 0};
	fModResult = fModSystem.set3DListenerAttributes(0, &fModListenerPos, &fModListenerVel, &fModListenerForward, &fModListenerUp);
	// Reset listener position
	if(Kb.bp(KB_R)) stepSide = stepUp = stepForward = 0;
	// Update FMOD
	fModResult = fModSystem.update();

	return true;

// Draw debug process
void Draw()
	D.text(0, 0.9, S+ stepSide + " | " + stepUp + " | " + stepForward);

Play 3D sound from FMOD studio bank

FMOD builds all sound/event into a bank. Then we use code to load event to play sound from built bank

// Declaration
FMOD.Studio.System            *fModStudioSystem;
FMOD.Studio.Bank              *fModBank;
FMOD.Studio.EventDescription  *fModEventDescription;
FMOD.Studio.EventInstance     *fModEventInstance;

void *extraDriverData = 0;

// Init stuff
bool Init()
	// Basic setup
	fModStudioSystem.initialize(1024, FMOD_STUDIO_INIT_NORMAL, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, extraDriverData);
	// Load FMOD bank and get event
	const char8 *bankPath = "Sounds/"; 
	fModStudioSystem.loadBankFile(bankPath, FMOD_STUDIO_LOAD_BANK_NORMAL, &fModBank);
	fModStudioSystem.getEvent("event:/evenname", &fModEventDescription);
	// Create eventInstance from eventDescription
	fModEventInstance.setParameterByName("paramName", someValue); //Set parameter of event if need
	fModEventInstance.start(); //Start play sound event
	// Reposition listener and eventInstance using attributes
	FMOD_3D_ATTRIBUTES attr = {{0}};
	// Listener first   
	attr.forward.z = 1.0f;
	attr.up.y = 1.0f;
	fModStudioSystem.setListenerAttributes(0, &attr);
	// Then evenInstance
	attr.position.x = 2;
	attr.position.y = 0;
	attr.position.z = 1;
	return true;

// Update process
bool Update()
	// Update FMOD
	return true;